Naked Broomrape – A Fascinating Parasitic Plant

British Columbia is home to a number of spectacular broomrapes like naked broomrape (Aphyllon uniflorum). These beautiful parasitic plants are easy to miss because of their size. However, once you know what to look for they can be found regularly. Understanding the connection between the parasite and the host plant is an important factor in locating and identifying different species …

Comox Lake Bluffs Ecological Reserve

There is nothing at the parking area just beyond the dam at Comox Lake to suggest that a spectacular ecological reserve is a short 20 minute hike away. Beyond the burned rubbish and twisted metal and broken glass is a wide gravel trail that leads through an old cut block. The trail at this point has been “deactivated” in an attempt …

Comox Lake Bluffs

Earlier in April, Jocie and I spent an enjoyable day without the kids revisiting Comox Lake Bluffs Ecological Reserve. The last time we hiked out to this ecological reserve was in May, 2008 with Comox Valley Nature (note the year on the web page is incorrect). Alden was just coming up to age 1 at that time and you can …