Witty’s Lagoon Regional Park is located in Metchosin, on the southern coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. The regional park is well-known for its diverse and rich ecosystem, walking trails, and excellent birdwatching. At over 58 hectares, the area is home to a large number of plant and bird species. In addition to nature viewing, one of the notable attractions …
Nature Viewing
Gull Watching from Beechey Head
Most people visit Beechey Head for the spectacular views out of the Strait of Juan de Fuca or the interesting botany. This viewpoint in East Sooke Regional Park is also an excellent place to view the turkey vulture and hawk migration in the fall. The Head represents one side of the narrowest gaps between Vancouver Island and Washington State. Raptors …
Mount Tzouhalem Ecological Reserve Wildflowers
Mount Tzouhalem is located near Duncan on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. The area is recognized for its network of mountain biking and hiking trails. However, it is also the location of Mount Tzouhalem Ecological Reserve and a spectacular Garry oak wildflower meadow. Path through grassy meadow at Mount Tzouhalem Ecological Reserve. The meadows are a fairly short 15 minute walk …
Wildflowers in Wickaninnish Beach Dunes
The Wickaninnish beach dunes are a fascinating place to view wildflowers that are unique to dune ecosystems. Parks Canada staff and volunteers at Pacific Rim National Park Reserve have worked in the dunes to remove introduced grass species. As a result, sand movement has improved and native plants are thriving in this dynamic and harsh environment. At this time of …
Hiking the Campbell River Lookout Trail
Looking back towards the Beaufort Range from a lower view point As an alternative to the very popular Ripple Rock trail consider the Campbell River Lookout trail. While the Ripple Rock trail might have a full parking lot, the lookout trail can be less busy. The views are just as good and perhaps better than Ripple Rock because the elevation …
Re-visting Comox Lake Bluffs Ecological Reserve
It has been a while since I’ve visited the Comox Lake Bluffs Ecological Reserve but this spring I had a chance to return to catch and photograph the early April bloom. It was truly spectacular and well worth the short hike. Wildflowers on the steep mossy slopes above Comox Lake. Approaching the steep slopes of the bluffs of the ecological …
Satinflower Search
Satinflower (Olsynium douglasii) blooms for a very short time in early spring on Vancouver Island. I finally experienced the delicate beauty of these wildflowers this March and the bloom was awe inspiring! The southern part of Vancouver Island is one of the few locations in British Columbia where there are reliable views of this beautiful member of the iris family. …
Awe Inspring Avatar Grove
The main attraction at Avatar Grove, an ancient gnarly western redcedar. Avatar Grove is an awe inspiring grove of old growth western redcedar and huge Douglas-fir trees. It’s hard to describe the feeling in this quiet forest near Port Renfrew. The trees are immense, towering over a forest floor covered with a chaotic jumble of fallen moss-covered wood, deer fern, …
Return to Rosewall Creek
I like the hike up Rosewall Creek—it’s fairly easy going and the walk doesn’t take much more than 45 minutes to get to the first view point of the main falls. At this time of year, the water levels are high and accessing good view points for photography is challenging. Rosewall Creek flows through lush west coast forest. Today I …
Cattle Point Sunrise
Long lines of logs at Cattle Point in Victoria, British Columbia. I’m trying to be a little more disciplined over the last month or two and am making an effort to get up earlier to catch the first morning light—such was a case late last month when I was down in Victoria to pick up a long awaited Fuji X-T1 and …