Second Growth Forest Near Comox Lake

A short trail to Comox Lake Bluffs Eco-reserve winds through dark second growth forest. It can be a quiet and eery place, even on a sunny day. However, late in the day the shoulder of the Beaufort Range blocks sunlight. The setting sun illuminates the upper parts of the trees, while the understory is dark and gloomy with little vegetation. …

Awe Inspring Avatar Grove

The main attraction at Avatar Grove, an ancient gnarly western redcedar. Avatar Grove is an awe inspiring grove of old growth western redcedar and huge Douglas-fir trees. It’s hard to describe the feeling in this quiet forest near Port Renfrew. The trees are immense, towering over a forest floor covered with a chaotic jumble of fallen moss-covered wood, deer fern, …

Rainforest Trail Ramble

I try to walk the Rainforest Trail in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve before 9:00 am. At that time of day I usually have the place to myself and can soak in the huge red cedars and western hemlocks, some of which are 1,000 years old. Last week I was trying some forest photography when I heard the sound of …

Coast Boykinia on the the Rainforest Trail in Pacific Rim National Park

While walking the Rainforest Trail in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve the tendency is to look upward—the trees are so large and dramatic and that is what immediately captures one’s attention. However, it’s also a good idea to look down once and a while and see what’s blooming. The understory is amazing in the temperate rainforest of the west coast …

Bear Creek Nature Park

Bear Creek Nature Park is one of the Comox Valley’s less well known regional parks. It’s relatively new (added to the Comox Valley Regional District’s system of parks in 2011) and it is a bit off the beaten track on MacAulay Road in Black Creek. The 161 acre park includes a working fish hatchery run by the Oyster River Enhancement …

Sol Duc Soul

I spent several days working my way from Port Angeles, Washington south to Pacific City, Oregon with plans to photograph some of the beaches and waterfalls along Route 101. One of my first stops was Sol Duc falls in Olympic National Park. At this time of year, the hot springs and resort weren’t quite open and there was still plenty …

Spring Streamside Wildflowers

Guest Post by Jocie Brooks “Spring is finally here,” I think, letting the little ones run ahead of me down the path as I take in the fresh greenery and colourful wildflowers, while listening to a burst of melodious bird song. Today, we are heading out to find some of spring’s finest flowers, and the kids have volunteered as my …