Sandstone and Water

I returned to the Oyster River this week with a small group from the Comox Valley Camera Club “Slow Photographers SIG” to photograph the surreal landscape of rock and water on this part of the river. Again, I was limited by the fixed focal length of my Fuji X1oos (Nikon D600 still in the shop for a second servicing for …

Ice and Sandstone on the Oyster River

When I’m photographing landscapes, my tendency is to anchor the scene with a foreground object and then go wide to show the expansiveness of the land. Last weekend I was without my full-frame Nikon D600 (still with Nikon Canada being serviced a second time for oil and dust problems—looks like I’ll be without it for at least another week or …

Oyster River Bowls

Photographing moving water has been a theme for me this year and I’ve really been enjoying experimenting with neutral density filters to slow down the shutter speed and blur the flowing water. It’s also been a good excuse to get out and visit new locations. Sandstone Abstract #2 This weekend I followed up a suggestion by George Bowron and checked …

Sandstone Patterns

I really didn’t have enough time to explore the beaches and sandstone on Hornby Island during my brief visit this afternoon, but did find some interesting sandstone patterns at the far end of Tribune Bay. The light was less than ideal and I think that it would be fascinating to return and really explore the shapes, textures and line in …

Nature’s Abstract Gallery

From a geological and photographic point of view, the western sides of Gabriola, DeCourcy, Link and Valdez Islands have plenty to offer. The geology is interesting and image making many opportunities for abstract sandstone photography. Sandstone Pattern No. 1 – A delicate pattern in sandstone on the Southern Gulf Islands, British Columbia. Way back in history great beds of sandstone …