Lunchtime Walk with Chestnut-backed Chickadees

I’ve really been enjoying my 30-45 minute lunchtime walks – it’s a great break from the office and gives me a chance to get out, stretch my legs, take in some fresh air and do a little birding. There is plenty of good habitat to see some of the common thicket sparrows like Spotted Towhees, Golden-crowned Sparrows, Song Sparrows and …

Backyard Birds – December 14 – 20

Chestnut-backed Chickadee (Poecile rufescens), a regular visitor to our suet feeders. A bit of a roller coaster of a week at the bird feeders as the Mourning Dove failed to make an appearance on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We figured that one of the neighbours’ cats had finally killed it. Fortunately, I spotted the dove yesterday morning so it is …