Big Day Birding

Back from a full day of birding with some good folks down in the Parksville/Qualicum area. The weather cooperated and the rain held off. Our Big Day team – “Herring Today Gull Tomorrow” took 2nd prize in the “expert” category, with 104 species. One of the things I like about any kind of bird counts of any kind is that …

Making the List – I and the Bird #145

Most birders keep some sort of list. It could be a life list of every single species of bird they’ve seen ever, or perhaps it’s a tally of all the species of birds they’ve seen in a year. Others stick a little closer to home and keep track of the different birds that visit their feeders. Still others try to …

Big Day Birding – Brant Wildlife Festival

One of the fun activities associated with the annual Brant Wildlife Festival is the Big Day Birding competition. Groups of birders work together to find and count the most birds over the course of a big day. The winning team takes home prizes and claims bragging rights. Search for gulls during the Brant Wildlife Festival Big Day bird count. Saturday, …