California Gull Zen

A bit of a feeding frenzy today at Wickaninnish Beach in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve. A huge flock of mostly California Gulls (Larus californicus) descended on the beach in the late morning and were still there in the late afternoon despite some folks who thought that it would be fun to flush the flocks resting on the sand up …

How to Find a Glass Ball

Participate in the dune grass pull at Wickaninnish Beach on Sunday, August 22 and you have a chance to find and keep this glass ball. If you’re like me you’ve always kept an eye open for flotsam and jetsam while hiking the long sandy beaches of the West Coast. Occasionally a glass ball will turn up but today that has …

Comber’s Beach Sunset – BC Skywatch #10

Sunset at Comber’s Beach It’s been a while since I’ve posted a series of Skywatch images but this Friday I walked from Wickaninnish Beach to Comber’s Beach in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve. Various combinations of sand and water and sky presented themselves and changing the camera position slightly revealed different patterns and textures. It was one of the uncommon …

Reintroducing Pink Sand-Verbena: A Rare West Coast Plant

After a less than satisfactory morning exploring the intertidal zone at Little Beach, Terrace Beach and Big Beach in Ucluelet (mainly due to the abundance of seaweed) I shifted gears and in the late afternoon. I decided to check out the Parks Canada Pink Sand-verbena (Abronia umbellate breviflora) reintroduction project at the dunes at Wickaninnish Beach in Pacific Rim National …

Sand Dunes at Wickaninnish Beach

One of the places that I love to return to again and again are the sand dunes at Wickaninnish Beach. For the botanist, many very interesting plants live in the shifting sand of the dune ecosystem. However, animals, birds and insects also make their home in the dunes. Once you look for signs of these creatures you notice them everywhere! …