Greater Orange Weaver

Greater Orange Weaver
Greater Orange Weaver – a species typically found in developed floodplains and agricultural land.

Greater Orange Weaver

Classification: B/1 or possibly A/9

This large orange cart was a delightful sighting. It had wandered down onto a stream side path, far away from its usual disturbed habitat of developed floodplain or agricultural land. A distinctive cart, the males of this species have a propensity to build elaborate nests using material scavenged from construction sites. Listen for its breeding call “Duu eh trite, Duu eh trite!” in the early morning as the males roll around their nest in an attempt to attract a prospective mate. The courtship process is complete after a female Greater Orange Weaver inspects the nest and has it renovated to her satisfaction.

Greater Orange Weaver
Greater Orange Weaver spotted along the riverside path in Courtenay, British Columbia.

I’m not sure what this Weaver was doing so far from its natural habitat. Perhaps it was expanding its range, perhaps it was looking for nesting material. Regardless, seeing it on the path this morning was a perfect way to start the day.

This is the eighth species account of the Vancouver Island Shopping Carts series. Julian Montague at The Stray Shopping Cart Project has developed a method of classifying stray carts that might be of interest to those wanting to learn more about species of carts in their own area. Researchers should also consult Rock, Paper, Lizard and for detailed species accounts of Lower Mainland/Vancouver carts.