
Copperbush | Elliottia pyroliflora showing new buds
Copperbush | Elliottia pyroliflora showing new buds

Yesterday was a brilliantly sunny day so I decided that a quick trip up to Paradise Meadows was in order. I don’t usually go up to the Meadows at this time of year – it’s the transition time between summer and fall hiking, botanizing, and birding and winter cross-country skiing.

At Paradise Meadows (elevation 1100m) it was a cold 3° C with a strong northwest wind. There was a skim of snow on the trail and boardwalk. Winter has arrived in the sub-alpine.

It was a quiet walk around the new boardwalk loop, few birds were around aside from a single common raven. Most of the summer plants were done … except for Copperbush (Elliottia pyroliflora). While this sub-alpine shrub wasn’t putting out leaves or flowers it was definitely in bud (see images above and below).

Copperbush | Elliottia pyroliflora showing last year's flowers and seed
Copperbush | Elliottia pyroliflora showing last year’s flowers

Not having been up in the meadows at this time of year I wasn’t expecting to see anything showing signs of life aside from the conifers. Now I wonder if copperbush always puts buds out in the fall or if this new growth will die off over the winter. Just goes to show that it is worthwhile re-visiting your favourite places out of season!