Sandhill Cranes Migrating

Watch the skies and listen for the sound of sandhill cranes migrating in the fall!

Sandhill Cranes | Grus canadensis
Sandhill Cranes | Grus canadensis

It is a distinctive sound and it’s a safe bet that once you’ve heard it you’ll be able to identify it again the next time around. I liken the rattling call of the Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis) to that of some sort of prehistoric flying dinosaur.

Every year in early to late September flocks of sandhill cranes can be observed migrating south through central Vancouver Island. Today I heard, and then spotted, a group of around 30 birds over Comox, spiraling upward from a farm field on the outskirts of town. It is an awe inspiring sight to witness.

To read more about the sandhill crane check out these websites: