Crimson Wanderers

In this second post about feral carts on Vancouver Island, a small herd of Crimson Wanderers is discovered on a back lot in Courtenay, British Columbia. These fascinating shopping carts are common throughout the city.

Crimsom Wanderers
Crimson Wanderers

Crimson Wanderer

Classification: B/1

Fairly common in my neighbourhood near downtown Courtenay, Crimson Wanderers tend to graze in small herds or singly. They are skittish and frighten easily, often moving from one place to another frequently. Distinctively red in colour, this shy species can be enticed closer with offerings of plastic bags and other small items.

Crimson Wanderer
Crimson Wanderer

This is the second species account of the Vancouver Island Shopping Carts series. Julian Montague at The Stray Shopping Cart Project has developed a method of classifying stray carts that might be of interest to those wanting to learn more about species of carts in their own area. Researchers should also consult Rock, Paper, Lizard for detailed species accounts of Lower Mainland/Vancouver carts.